Workplace Giving

Together, we can reach out and give life

Workplace giving is a simple yet powerful way for employees to make an impact through regular contributions from their pay. These contributions go a long way in helping Catholic Mission support children, communities and future church leaders leaders in Australia and globally.

Workplace giving is a win-win-win for employees, employers and Catholic Mission. Employees have the incredible opportunity to join with others to make a big difference by giving small, pre-tax donations to vital community projects. Employers can engage staff in global mission in a simple, cost-effective way, and promote organisational values through other partnership opportunities. Catholic Mission benefits from the long term, stable funding that allows us to commit to new and existing community endeavours.

  1. An easy way to support communities around the world.

    “I have supported and contributed to Catholic Mission for many years through special appeals. When the opportunity came up to donate through my workplace, I was keen to sign up. I saw it as an easy way to support social justice in communities around the world, including Australia. The contribution I make through workplace giving provides certainty for Catholic Mission and me. I also know that my donation will make a difference to a community enabling them to support themselves rather than relying on others. Helping communities become self-sustaining has immeasurable long-term benefits. I would encourage others to donate through workplace giving as it is so simple you just need to set and forget!”
    WPG Testiestmonial Monica
  2. A simple act that you can undertake to assist others in need

    "I have been a supporter of Catholic Mission since I was young, participating in their primary and high school fundraising programs for many years. When I started my professional career, I heard about Catholic Mission's Workplace Giving program and was intrigued by its potential. Workplace giving provides a sustainable and ongoing way for me to support those in need while allowing me to have control over the amount I give. It is incredible to see how such a simple yet powerful contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of communities and children in need. This realisation prompted me to actively participate in workplace giving. Supporting Catholic Mission is a simple act that you can undertake to assist others in need. As a Catholic myself, I strongly recommend considering it, as it will bring you closer to God each day. By engaging in this incredible deed, you are benefiting all the communities, children, and schools that receive support through your contributions."
    Bridget Wallace

Contact us

If you’re interested in learning more about Workplace Giving at Catholic Mission, simply submit the form below and we will get back to you soon.