Build brighter futures for families in Ethiopia

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It is a big hope to us as a church, to the community and the youth. That is why I say this is a great miracle

Fr Habte

In a community where opportunities for skills training and employment are scarce, Fr Habte and the Church are coming alongside their community to make a change. Through the expansion of the current Deberety Farm to include a goat rearing centre, their vision continues beyond providing nutritious milk to families in need to include agricultural skills training and employment – opportunities that will allow families to provide for themselves.

Learn more about the community, the Church and Fr Habte’s continued vision for the Goat Rearing Centre in the video below.

The end result of your help and cooperation is to make our population self-supporting… by providing them the means to improve their farming system.

Establishing the Goat Rearing Centre means that families can access agricultural training and/or opportunities for employment, allowing them to financially support themselves and their families.

By partnering with this program, you are being a witness of Jesus Christ, as He has called us to be in Acts 1:8, and making a life-changing difference for families in need. As Fr Habte says,

“A person who understands the idea that God is love, a believer who cares about his fellow man, grieves, and makes every sacrifice possible.”

Will you support Fr Habte and the community’s vision and help build brighter futures for families in Emdibir and around the world?

*Names altered to protect identity