After a challenging year, all basic structures are now in place. All activity areas for both practical and theoretical training of seminarians are in place. The poultry, piggery, garden and crop farming areas are all now well established and functional and the mushroom farm has been constructed.
"An experienced mushroom farmer was invited and contracted to help and supervise the installation of production pots and cells and conducted training sessions. Production began in January 2021" Monsignor Thomas Anamooh
An old underused building has been renovated into a new office space; construction is around 80% complete.
A fence was constructed around the poultry and garden enterprises for semi-intensive rearing of locally bred stock and to protect vegetables.
The rabbit pens are complete and are gradually being stocked. Feasibility studies were conducted into rabbit rearing to ensure proper care and funding is available to purchase feed. Two males and six females have been purchased.
Poultry is laying eggs well with 40 guinea fowls and 360 chickens currently laying.
Ten acres of maize and groundnut has been cultivated and is about to be processed. Additionally half an acre of land is being used to grow produce such as tomatoes, okra, beans, etc., which provides food for seminarians with leftovers being used as feed for poultry.