Lideta Scholarship Program

Key statistics

The scholarship program for students at Lideta Catholic Cathedral School (LCCS) continues to provide support for the children of families who cannot afford to attend school. The scholarship program provides an opportunity for those students, when they graduate, to significantly improve the standard of living for themselves and their families.

of children from urban areas in Ethiopia complete secondary school
of children from rural areas will complete secondary school
of the Ethiopian population are under 15 years old

Priority is given to orphans, children of single mothers, children with parents who are unemployed or on a low-income, and children of parents who are no longer working and have no access to a pension.

As a safe and formative space for students, the school’s vision is to produce graduates capable of becoming future leaders in Ethiopia.

The overall aim of this project is to ensure that all children in the region, regardless of their situation, can attend school and gain a quality education that will support them in the future.

“Without your help, these students would have had no such opportunities, since Lideta Catholic Cathedral School offers excellent educational facilities in the country with 100% pass maks to universities in and outside the country. On behalf of the school administration and of the parents and students, we thank you sincerely and hope to be able to continue with this program.”

Sr Carmen Sammut SJA
Project Manager

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people
and the planet, now and into the future. Catholic Mission is committed to achieving the SDGs. In working
with our partners to develop projects, we consider the SDGs and how each activity might contribute
strategically to this shared global vision.

A range of SDGs can be seen being implemented in this project’s planned activities.

Through this project the LCCS aims to:

Cross-cutting policies

Catholic Mission has a code of conduct and cross-cutting policies that apply to every aspect of our work. We require project partners to comply with these policies before work on a project can commence. Each of these policies can be read in detail on the Catholic Mission website, by following the link “All Policies” at the bottom of the homepage.

The Archdiocese of Addis Ababa issued a Child Protection Policy in 2018, which binds clergy, religious, and all laypeople -no matter what their religious affiliation is- employed by Catholic institutions.

LCCS employs teachers of both genders on equal standards. Since there is another only girl’s school on the same premises, Grade 1 – 6 students are only boys. Girls are admitted from Grade 7 upwards. The classes are mixed and equally divided among the sexes.

Currently, the school provides scholarships both at the Junior and high school for about 260 students permanently, at junior school which is a boy’s school, 120 students are receiving a subsided fee of up to 80% of the annual fee, and the remaining 140 students are girls at the high school who receive the same amount of subsidising. This gender equality format will continue in the future when the scholarship program reaches its target goal in the coming three years.

Although there are still ethnic conflicts in the country, the students come from all backgrounds and are taught tolerance and acceptance. They celebrate the national feasts together. No specific group is privileged. Teachers are employed from all ethnic backgrounds provided they have the right qualifications.

Additionally, the school has a human rights club and organize several awareness programs and activities on human rights issues.