Farmer Training Centre

Project Code: GHPT-1200029 | Project Location: Ghana

Key Statistics

The Farmer Training Centre (FTC) seeks to address food security needs and livelihood sustainability across northern Ghana. The Centre provides a space for training farmers, students, businesspeople, and local institutions. This project sought to improve the infrastructure of the hospitality and agriculture sectors through renovating facilities and stocking various livestock.

farmers visited the farm to build on their skills and added to their stock.
of Ghana's GDP comes from agriculture.
of the population of Ghana are employed in the agriculture sector.

“We organized a learning visit to the farm for 280 farmers from 10 rural communities. They were taken through the activities of the various animals’ production units in the farm. 305 other farmers and potential farmers also visited the farm for learning purposes in the year before the COVID-19 outbreak.”

Patience Akankpanab

Hospitality sector

The FTC’s hospitality sector served a total of 2,456 clients throughout the year with patronage reduced to 20% during lockdown causing major reductions in revenue generation.

A generator was installed which now ensures a reliable supply of electricity to the facilities. Newly purchased tools and equipment combined with improved staff capacity has led to a great improvement in the services provided to clients and ultimately greater client satisfaction.

Where to from here?

This project has been a great success with the Centre now self sufficient and running at a profit. Additionally, the newly upgraded accommodation has led to various NGO’s using the facilities for their own training purposes. As this project period draws to a close, Catholic Mission is excited continue our relationship with the FTC as they continue to grow in the future.