Environment modules on eco-friendly practices and skills were offered to pre-diploma trainees. Activities included making organic soaps and fertilisers, and practicing permaculture. This training has raised community awareness of ecological issues, taking small steps towards a more sustainable future.
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About the project
The Pyinya Sanyae Institute of Education (PSIE) aims to enhance educational opportunities in Myanmar, where conflict and unrest has limited such opportunities for decades. By building the capacity of teachers, this project will help to improve the quality of education available.
This three-year project began in 2017 and at its conclusion, thanks to adherence to the budget and thoughtful spending, had a good portion of funds leftover. It was decided to extend the project by seven months.
Students learning how to make organic hand-made soaps.
The diploma graduates were posted to schools and training centres in November 2019. This was in time for the final semester of the academic year. Teachers in the field contributed greatly to the learning atmosphere of the school, introducing many new child-centred teaching and learning experiences. Some examples include, an end of year school exhibition at Pyay, a Christmas arts and craft fair at Yenanchaung, and a Christmas concert at the Nazareth Bush School.
Important Updates
Creative development, together with self-awareness and personal formation, are important for students’ mental health. In some boarding houses and schools, activities such as Art for Healing are regularly scheduled into the timetable. At the Boys Remand Centre in Hgnet Aw San, it has been integrated on a term-by-term basis. Unfortunately, it is slowly being implemented, due mainly to a lack of understanding of the value of mental health awareness.
In March, two students from Japan and two from India, returned to join the staff of the PSIE, after successfully completing their postgraduate studies. This is integral to the future of PSIE, building the capacity of local teachers who can teach and lead at PSIE.